Being healthy and physically fit is a common goal for most people. This is partially why many people make resolutions every new year to start or resume working out. Most people do act on these resolutions in the beginning but are unable to maintain either due to fatigue, forgetfulness, busy routine, or just plain boredom. The aesthetic benefits of working out is a perk but the more important benefit is having your body function at an optimal level. Gaining muscle and strength is all about consistency. With a little support and motivation, anyone could become consistent and achieve their goal. At Optimum Physical Therapy, you do get the support, motivation, and guidance you need for your strengthening goals.

If you’re wondering why a physical therapy clinic and not a gym, here are 5 reasons you should see a Physical Therapist for Strength Training:

Reduce your risk of injury

With their knowledge of musculoskeletal(MSK) anatomy and sports performance, a physical therapist will guide you to ensure proper lifting techniques in order to reduce chance of injury. They can also assess your body’s capacity and help you choose the most effective exercises to achieve your goals.

Manage your previous deficits

A sedentary lifestyle, underlying health issues, or previous MSK injuries can sometimes be factors that need to be considered when strength training. A physical therapist can identify any deficits and help you manage those while still making strides towards your goals.

Know when to stop

Sometimes, excess motivation can be risky too. You must have heard of phrases like ‘work through your pain.’ When the truth is, pain is a sign from your body, and when your body tells you something, you must listen to it. Exercise can cause soreness in your body, but an onset of pain is not a good sign. A PT can easily find the cause of your pain and either suggest modifications or perform manual techniques to decrease the symptoms.

Progressive training

Strength training is based on the concept of challenging your body and creating a new peak level of strength. By gradually increasing the load, you also increase the body’s capacity to withstand it i.e., grow stronger. A physical therapist can tell you when you get to the point of increasing the load and just how much increase is safe for you.

Fear and anxiety

Some people may not start strength training at a gym due to insecurity about current fitness level, or lack of familiarity with equipment. It is more advantageous to work with a professional to begin or progress your fitness journey. Another advantage is you get to make gains in an intimate environment where you are the focus and the recipient of expert guidance.

Bonus: Your PT evaluations also let you know injuries you are predisposed for.

So there you have it, some of the many reasons you should strength train with a PT. We look forward to helping you make your gains!



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